MARS Christmas Party 2023 Edition
Saturday December 2nd, 5pm – 9pm in Swanson Hall right on the museum grounds
Dinner is served at 6PM
Do to dramatic increase in food and labor costs at restaurants, the annual MARS Christmas banquet will be held in Swanson Hall on the museum grounds. We will have a buffet style dinner catered by “Brian USA Diner” Costing just $27
Alcohol will be on a BYO basis, conversation, drinks and appetizers starting at 5pm while everyone arrives dinner will be served at 6pm. Afterwards, please plan to stay for the MARS awards ceremony and year-end wrap up.
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Of course were going to have a raffle, this year we will have a Chinese auction, all proceeds from the raffle go to support the club. Do you have a kit you’re never going to build? Motor hardware you never use? Please consider donating it to your club, bring it to the dinner and add it to the pile!
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