Election Time
MARS is accepting nominations for election to serve on the MARS Board of Directors. Any member over the age of 21 who has been a member of MARS over the previous 2 consecutive years can serve on the Board. If you are interested in serving on the Board please send an email to VP@marsclub.org
All nominations must be received by November 12 2023. Elections will be held if there are more nominees than open Board positions. The nominees with the highest votes will be welcomed to the MARS Board.
Here’s some background that can help guide you in making a decision to serve on the Board. All MARS Board of Director members are volunteers. Baring work or significant family events they are expected to assist at every launch, participate in our four monthly meetings held January through April, help determine MARS current and future activities, act as MARS ambassadors to the community, help ensure equipment is operating properly by participating in the annual equipment cleanup, and actively participate on some of the subcommittees the Board has determined that are necessary to keep club operations going forward.
The club officers- President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer are selected once the Board meets after the elections. Each Board member will assume one of those roles. Appointment to the Board is a 2-year term commitment.
For those of you who actively fly with the club, this is your opportunity to get more involved and help determine the club’s current and future activities!