MARS Winter Meeting
January 7, 2016
New Board Members were in attendance:
Tom McCarthy- President, Greg Young- Vice President, Linda Newman- Treasurer and MaryBeth Clune- Secretary.
Members at the meeting:
Jim Goggins, Charles Adams, Tom Cohen, Evan Brown, Duane Fregoe, Mike Pleban, Nat Kinsey, Bill Wojtyla, Bill Clune and Jack Schading.
Tom M had MaryBeth hand out a ticket to all members at the meeting for a drawing for a prize after the meeting. The prize handed out is from the estate of Merrel Lane. A drawing will be done at each meeting!
Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Tom M, Greg Y suggested that we go around the room and introduces ourselves which was done. Tom M, made a motion that the meeting would hard stop at 8pm so members can show and tell items, Greg Y, second it, motion passed. With this being the first meeting of the year and with a new board there was no old business to go over, there was no financial report given at this time by Linda N.
New Business
Membership Committee:
Nat K chair, MaryBeth and Bill C. MaryBeth and Bill brought a new idea for new membership name cards
Education Committee:
Evan B chair Nat K, Greg, MaryBeth and Bill C
Outreach already: Dansville, Airshow, Science Museum, TARC Oct.29th and Brighton NY
Tom M brought in the last issue of NAR magazine for an idea for what rocket to use for outreach. Linda N shared how and what rocket kit was used at another outreach event and how it was handled. Bill C suggested a rocket kit Alpha III. Evan is to research some kits and present it to the committee and we will go from there. Linda N talked about previous rocket build and added some insight to some the things she has encounter during a build session and the kit they used by Flis was a “Thing a ma Jig”
NYPOWER Committee:
committee MaryBeth chair, Greg Y, Tom M, Bill C. Marybeth proposed that the fee for NYPOWER this years should be $30. MaryBeth shared cost of three day launches that are out there. Greg Y made a motion for $30, Evan B. seconds, and motion passes.
Tom M is contacting the Three Legged Pig to see if we can get them to come again this year. Last year’s turnout, they didn’t want to come back this year. Bill C suggested that members run the HAG Hut, the museum doesn’t want to man the HUT due to no product left over from the AIRSHOW now that NYPOWER has been moved. Tom M is to gather information and get back to the committee with his findings. Mac Performance will be attending NYPOWER, MaryBeth asked Nat to contact Kenny from Performance Hobbies to see if Kenny will be at this year’s NYPOWER do to NSL being in Tennessee this year. MaryBeth will also contact Jim from Flis kits to see if he will come to NYPOWER this year.T-Shirt idea, Tom M showed a concept that he’s been working on “The air is yours use it” MaryBeth to send out an email to members to gather more concepts for t-shirt and logo ideas. MaryBeth will present ideas to NYPOWER committee and then the BOD at next meeting; hopeful to have a Logo picked out by the end of next meeting. There was a mention of possibly having a new NYPOWER poster brought and MaryBeth agreed said she wouldn’t mind seeing a new one also. Tom C and Jim G will be taking care of BFR’s this year.
Launch Operations Committee:
Jim G Chair, Linda, Tom C, Greg Y, and Mike P. Nat will take care of the portable toilets.
Equipment and Capital Expense Committee:
Nat K chair, Tom M and Bill C
Tom M asked at this time if any members have anything concerns to discuss: Tom C shared he’s concern over the mishap that happened this past summer with an unexpected launch of he’s rocket. He asked about the MARS launch system, possible ways or other launch system to prevent this from happening again. Tom C brought up the Wilson FX system. Linda N voiced her opinion on this matter. Bill C voiced he’s opinion and concern and suggestions and MaryBeth C voiced her concerns with the current system. It seems that the pad boxes are the concern at this time. Dave and John D are working along with Tom M to come up with a plain to address the current concerns. Tom M makes a motion that we table this discussion until more information is gathered, Greg Y seconds motion passes. Nat K will introduce Tom M the MARS President to local area farmers
Nat K mentioned if anyone needs a tracker for this year he will place an order an email will be sent out to the members. Tom M stated that is was 8pm at this point and the meeting should end, Greg Y said he supported the motion, MaryBeth C seconds it motion meeting adjourns. Ticket draw and Duane Fregoe, wins free rocket. Rocket donated by Merrel Lane’s estate.
Show and Tell
Jim G passed documents and photograph documentation of the X10 rocket over to Tom M that he had from a few years back that were donated to the club. Jim G. did not give a name of the person that provided the documents to him. Very cool pictures!!!
Tom C demonstrated how he applies diluted epoxy with rubbing alcohol to sonnet tube and how he fiber glasses the rockets, what kind of epoxy he uses and how the end product looks.
Next up Evan Brown shows off he’s new two stage rocket that can be flown as a single stage rocket really cool. Evan B stated that MAC Performance might be interested in producing this rocket.
Duane shares information to the members that he has set up a “Hotline” number for the club if we are interested in it. He also mentioned something called Kids out and about for free advertising for club launches. MaryBeth gave Duane her email address to pass the information along. Neat idea!